Our Staff

Pastor Kris Warrick / Co-Pastor

Pastor Kris Warrick is a preacher, teacher, servant‐leader, parent, and grandparent that has dedicated her life to cultivating others, so that they may reach their God‐given potential in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. Her passion for God and cultivated yielded lifestyle has led to an anointing to preach and teach the word of God with authority, revelation, and deliverance. She is a child of God who just wants to see others grow in their own relationship with God.

A native of Omaha, a graduate of a metro area high school, Kris is currently working part-time and seeking a degree in chemical dependency counseling. Pastor Kris is a wife of over 33 years, and a mother to 2 beautiful children, Alyssa, and Kadeem. She is also the grandmother to 3 handsome grandsons, Jaylend, Malachi, and Chance. She is dedicated to her family.

Pastor Kris was saved under Pastor Mikel Brown of Christian Joy Center in El Paso, Texas. She has served with several other ministries learning and growing in her faith along the way.

Pastor Kris loves to pray for others and loves to praise dance for The Lord. Although, she has many gifts she uses to serve the people around her. She is currently serving as Co-Pastor with her husband, Pastor Michael Warrick at Enduring Faith Christian Center.

Associate Pastor Marjorie Dumas

At an early age I knew I loved the Lord. I accepted Christ as my personal savior at age 8. I was blessed to be trained as the Jr. Secretary in the church I was baptized in. I later was trained to handle the finances and finally an assistant in Sunday School. I read everything I could get my hands on, memorized the books of the bible, and always had my Sunday School lessons completed by Saturday afternoon.

When I left Omaha to go to college in Maryville, MO I knew I wanted to be a Special Education teacher and work with children the rest of my life. Life has a way of changing the young vision of a naive young lady. I have been blessed to work with children as a Paraprofessional, mentoring youth impacted by incarceration, and facilitate children’s church.

In 2017 I received my Ministerial Certification to teach. I regularly went to Saunders County Correctional Facility to conduct bible studies for inmates. In 2022 I was ordained as a Pastor at Enduring Faith Christian Center. I currently assist with Jail and Prison reentry program through New Communities in Douglas County. I have volunteered on many community boards and organizations. I enjoy providing community members with resources on health, financial literacy, and education.

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