As a result, we are committed to finding ways for everyone in our church family to connect with people in need of the news that there is life and hope in Jesus Christ. For some, this means service in our local community. For others, it means service in an unreached people group in another part of the world. For all, it means . . .
Commitment to developing and employing resources and abilities God has given us for the benefit of people still outside the church.
Commitment to understanding and being where those in need can be found . . . rather than waiting for them to show up in our worlds.
Commitment to loving and serving people as they are, not only as we hope they will become in Christ.
Commitment to holistic ministry, recognizing that people have spiritual, physical, emotional, and other needs and that Christ desires that we love people as He does — completely.
Commitment to strategic investment of resources, recognizing that sometimes we are called to the tough places because no one else is there serving in the name of Christ.
Commitment to spiritual transformation in the lives of people, believing it to be the basis on which all other significant and lasting transformation can occur.
Commitment to partnering with other organizations for the greater good of the Kingdom of God.
Through loving acts of service and compassion, we want to BE good news in the lives of people as we SHARE the good news. We strive to live the Gospel as well as speak it.
Our current outreach ministries are the Prison Ministry at Saunders County Correctional Facility and the Homeless Shelter Ministry at Care Corp Family Services. If interested in being a part of this ministries please contact Pastor Mike.